Infusionsoft vs ActiveCampaign

infusionsoft vs activecampaign

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active campaign partner Infusionsoft vs ActiveCampaignInfusionsoft vs ActiveCampaign – Which is best for you?

When doing your research, you have probably run across several different platforms.  It can be confusing, and we would like to help you figure out which would be best for your needs.

In this article, we will focus on ActiveCampaign vs Infusionsoft.  Mainly what ActiveCampaign has to offer.  We went deeper into Infusionsoft in our last article – here – and now we want to dig deeper as an ActiveCampaign Certified Consultant into ActiveCampaign.

And more particularly, Infusionsoft compared to ActiveCampaign.  As an ActiveCampaign Expert aka ActiveCampaign Consultants, we work a lot with both programs.  So let’s dive in.

What is ActiveCampaign?Active Campaign

ActiveCampaign CRM, Customer Relationship Management, delivers ActiveCampaign automation to your business.  Imagine growing your business with customer experience automation.

It works well not only for eCommerce but also for business-to-business and business-to-consumer companies.  It gives you cloud-based marketing and sales automation software which includes email marketing, lead scoring, and web analytics.

Reach your customer using precise targeting to find the right prospects and grow your audience.  Get their attention by delivering messaging that is targeted specifically to them.  Then nurture those relationships through your automated processes.

Then convert them to customers, and grow your business.  Sounds great, right?  You can view ActiveCampaign’s Website here.    Let’s take a deeper dive into our Infusionsoft vs ActiveCampaign comparison by looking at ActiveCampaign.

sales leads management systemWhat are ActiveCampaign features?

  • ActiveCampaign forms.  Form creation, editing, and customization are quick and easy.
  • Landing page ActiveCampaign. It is easy to create a custom-designed landing page specifically for your marketing needs with the ActiveCampaign landing page.
  • Active Campaign automation templates.  There are more than 25 predesigned templates, and it is easy to custom-design your own.
  • ActiveCampaign support is very good support and service
  • Site Tracking ActiveCampaign.  Site Tracking is a feature that connects your marketing and sales processes to your website activity.  This allows ActiveCampaign to “see” and then “react” in real time as contacts visit your site and view specific categories and pages.
  • Email Marketing with ActiveCampaign email is a powerful tool for your marketing needs.

There are hundreds of automation recipes and tools for you to use.  This platform is easy to get up and running quickly with little technical knowledge.  It is definitely easier than Infusionsoft – very user-friendly.  ActiveCampaign customer service is top-notch.  So when looking at ease of use in our Infusionsoft / ActiveCampaign discussion, ActiveCampaign wins on ease of use.

ActiveCampaign’s marketing automation features save you hours of time each week by automating your entire marketing process.  You can schedule a welcome email series to be sent as soon as someone signs up for your list.  Then based on any actions they take (such as making a purchase) you can trigger follow-up emails.

Since all of the emails can be personalized and targeted, the customer will feel like they are receiving a personal email from you, and will be more likely to open emails these emails.

ActiveCampaign Reviewscustomers love you

Activecampaign vs Infusionsoft review: or Infusionsoft vs ActiveCampaign. As you can probably tell by now, we really like ActiveCampaign and highly recommend it for most of our Automize clients.  Like with any platform, you need to analyze what your needs are before determining the best product for you.

The ActiveCampaign tutorial and ActiveCampaign blog really help their new customers get up and running quickly and explain things thoroughly.  It is fairly easy to set up your system to give you a personal connection with your customers.  Customer experience is so important.

You don’t want to sound and look like an automated machine.  It keeps you connected with them, without you having to spend a lot of time.  That’s the beauty of automation!

ActiveCampaign Pricing

ActiveCampaign cost is another area we feel they beat Infusionsoft.  First of all, you can take advantage of the ActiveCampaign free trial for 14 days.  Use this to determine if it is a good fit for your business needs. There is no permanent ActiveCampaign free plan.

After 14 days you must choose from one of the ActiveCampaign plans.  There are 4 different plans, and the pricing depends upon your features needed and volume.  The least expensive program is still very reasonable for a business starting out.  So in comparing Infusionsoft and ActiveCampaign – ActiveCampaign wins here.

ActiveCampaign Functionszapier apps

There are so many functions on this platform, and we will try to highlight some of them in our Infusionsoft compared to ActiveCampaign discussion.

  • ActiveCampaign Landing pages.  In minutes, you can create landing pages that are customized for each person — to capture more leads, grow your audience, and drive more repeat business.
  • ActiveCampaign SMS.  SMS automation helps you reach your customers wherever they might be and provide an exceptional experience.
  • ActiveCampaign Conversations.  This provides you with a live chat option, automated chatbot workflows, and a unified inbox to help you connect with your customers and offer timely support.
  • ActiveCampaign API and ActiveCampaign Webhooks.  In ActiveCampaign, webhooks are used to send data from your account into another system or database that has an API (application programming interface) that can listen for webhooks (eg, Zapier). They are event-driven and allow you to update 3rd party applications with contact and campaign activity as they happen.
  • ActiveCampaign Reporting.  There is a variety of reporting, including performance metrics for sent campaigns.
  • Site Tracking ActiveCampaign.  Connect your sales and marketing processes to your website activity.
  • ActiveCampaign email marketing – Use ActiveCampaign emails to stay in contact with your customers
  • ActiveCampaign Template – there are over 25 templates to get you started, or you can customize your own ActiveCampaign email templates
  • Conversations – ActiveCampaign offers the ability for conversations to combine advanced automation with live chat capabilities.  You can automate message flows using chatbots.  This helps your support team save time and be more effective for the customer.
  • ActiveCampaign App – use the app to stay connected on your phone or tablet.

There are many more besides the above-mentioned. In our discussion on Infusionsoft vs ActiveCampaign, both had quite a few different functions, some easier than others to set up.  Before deciding on which is better, you do need to determine what you need first, then see which offers those needs.


Zapier AppsActiveCampaign Integrations

You can connect this platform with the tools that you need – with over 860 apps.  Here are the most popular:

  • Zapier-ActiveCampaign
  • Shopify-ActiveCampaign
  • Calendly-ActiveCampaign
  • ActiveCampaign-Shopify
  • ActiveCampaign-WooCommerce
  • ActiveCampaign-WordPress plugin
  • ActiveCampaign-Salesforce
  • ActiveCampaign-Clickfunnels

Looking at our question, Infusionsoft compared to ActiveCampaign, both platforms offer a lot of integration options.

ActiveCampaign Competitors

Before determining which platform is best for you, you really need to determine your needs.  Each business and business owner is different and there is “no one size fits all” answer.  We are trying to point out some of the features and benefits of the programs.  Once you have your checklist and plan in hand, really take a look to see what your options are.  Then you can compare Infusionsoft and ActiveCampaign easier.

Other ActiveCampaign alternatives are:

Infusionsoft vs ActiveCampaignInfusionsoft vs ActiveCampaign

Infusionsoft compared to ActiveCampaign – Infusionsoft is one of the biggest competitors, and many businesses do use it as an ActiveCampaign alternative.  Infusionsoft is a much more complicated and harder-to-learn program.  Many who use it have hired staff or consultants to set it up and use it.

It is not an easy platform for someone who is not tech-savvy.  We do work with this program with a few of our clients and we are also an Infusionsoft agency and are Infusionsoft Certified Partner.  In some cases, it is the right choice for their business.  This is why it is important to compare Infusionsoft vs ActiveCampaign.

ActiveCampaign vs MailChimp

MailChimp is simpler but lacks more advanced features and customization.  For MailChimp vs ActiveCampaign – we would choose ActiveCampaign for the features as we like being able to customize.

ActiveCampaign vs HubspotHubspot

They both are quite different.  ActiveCampaign is first and foremost an email marketing tool and CRM features second.  Hubspot’s primary focus is CRM, but does handle marketing, customer service, and sales.  So Hubspot vs ActiveCampaign.  This is where you need to really drill down your needs and purpose for your platform, and decide which is best.

ActiveCampaign vs Convertkit

Convertkit is an email marketing platform.  However, ActiveCampaign offers a more comprehensive platform by offering email marketing tools along with a whole suite of other features.  Both offer free trials.  Convertkit vs ActiveCampaign, take a look at both – again know your needs and see which fits best.

ActiveCampaign vs GetResponse

GetResponse has a built-in webinar feature, whereas with ActiveCampaign you would need to use a third-party integration for this.  GetResponse vs ActiveCampaign – if you are running webinars, take a look at this platform before making a decision.

ActiveCampaign vs Drip

Both are marketing automation platforms. Drip’s integrations and automation is particularly suited to eCommerce. ActiveCampaign’s CRM allows for better-integrated sales and marketing automation for businesses that have more complex sales processes.  Drip vs ActiveCampaign – if you are focused on eCommerce, check out the differences to see which is best suited for you.

ActiveCampaign vs Klaviyo

Klaviyo is another platform focused on eCommerce.  It primarily automates campaigns for eCommerce sites.  So Klaviyo vs ActiveCampaign, once again, do your homework and know what you need to compare for your business.

ActiveCampaign vs Ontraport

Ontraport largely targets enterprises and established businesses that need advanced automation capabilities. Whereas ActiveCampaign is particularly optimized for typical small to medium-sized businesses.  Ontraport fully embeds e-commerce marketing onto its platform to help track sales easily for your sales team.

ActiveCampaign doesn’t come with such e-commerce functionalities.  So, Ontraport vs ActiveCampaign – ActiveCampaign is the better choice for small to medium-sized businesses.

ActiveCampaign APIFor a lot of the above, the choice depends on

  • What kind of business you have
  • What kind of budget do you have
  • How many products/services do you have

Sit down and figure out what you want to accomplish with the platform and map out your plan before purchasing.  We have a few great articles here to help with that process.


Small Business Automation

Marketing Automation Platforms

Marketing Automation Services-What you need to know


Infusionsoft vs ActiveCampaignAUTOMIZE - Marketing and Process Automation

Our ActiveCampaign review is 5 stars.  The ActiveCampaign deliverability is top-notch. Infusionsoft vs ActiveCampaign, we have clients on both, and it just depends upon your business needs to determine which is best.  Not only do we have specialists in ActiveCampaign, we also specialize in Infusionsoft /Keap.

Automize is an ActiveCampaign partner and an ActiveCampaign agency.  We are part of the ActiveCampaign affiliate program also.  Automize does suggest to a majority of our clients to choose ActiveCampaign in most cases- because we love the program and what it can do for our client’s businesses.

We work with small to medium-sized businesses.  And for the majority of them, this is the better choice – more function and less money.  Active Campaign is easier to use, quicker to learn, and works well for our clients.  Many of them have little time to handle the setup and maintenance and have hired us to help.  That is what we do.

Automize has a lot of experience and can help your business too.  So if you have more questions on Infusionsoft comparied to ActiveCampaign, please reach out to us.

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Automate your business with Automize!

Automize is the leading expert when it comes to email marketing and CRM automation.

Automize excels at helping clients set up and automate CRM and automated lead generation, marketing campaigns, and marketing automation through process improvements using Zapier plugins or Hubspot tags. Automize improves their customer’s process automation by setting up and offloading tasks that would take up valuable time from staff and sales reps schedules!

Automize has the following expertise:

  • Infusionsoft Certified Consultant / Keap
  • Certified ActiveCampaign Consultant
  • Certified Zapier Expert
  • Shopify Partner
  • Go HighLevel
  • Monday CRM
  • Ontraport
  • Hubspot
  • Marketing automation for eCommerce
  • and many more automation platforms.

Let Automize help you as your certified Infusionsoft consultant aka Infusionsoft advisor.  We are also Active Campaign certified, Zapier Certified, offer Hubspot consulting and other platforms.

If you’re looking for reliable marketing automation, business process optimization or process automation, Automize as your automation consultant is the answer. We have years of experience helping businesses just like yours get more done in less time.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take your business to the next level. Get Automized today! Automize – your marketing automation agency.

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