FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - Automize

faq for Automize

What is marketing automation?

Marketing automation refers to the use of software and technology to streamline and automate marketing tasks and processes, such as email campaigns, platform integration, and customer communication. It helps businesses save time, optimize processes, and improve customer experiences.

How can marketing automation benefit my business?

Marketing automation can save time and money by automating repetitive tasks and optimizing daily processes. It improves customer communication, creates a seamless customer experience, and allows businesses to focus on growth instead of maintenance.

What platforms does Automize support?

Automize supports various platforms, including

As an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant, ActiveCampaign Certified Consultant, Certified Zapier Expert, and Shopify Partner, Automize has experience with integrating and optimizing these platforms.

What types of automation is available for my business?

The answer to this depends upon the type of business you have, and what you choose to automate. Many businesses use marketing automation to save them time and money.  The benefits of marketing automation can be huge! It can include campaign building, lead follow up, client communication and more.

Other businesses choose to optimize business processes, including their billing and internal communication. Automize specializes in customized automation to meet your businesses specific needs.

Can automation be customized to meet my business needs?

Automize specializes in customized automation solutions. No matter what you need to automate, Automize can help you! Contact us today for a free consultation.

How will marketing automation benefit my business?

Marketing automation is a huge time saver, and cuts costs for many businesses. And having a good automation system set up lets you focus on other areas of your business. Automize can set up your marketing automation and ensure it is optimized and working properly.

Automize is a certified Infusionsoft Consultant, an ActiveCampaign Certified Consultant, and a Certified Zapier Expert. We work with all marketing platforms.

What marketing automation services does Automize offer?

Automize offers services that extend beyond email marketing. We optimize daily tasks, integrate with other business systems, and provide a cohesive customer experience. Once set up, these services require minimal effort to maintain.

What additional services does Automize provide?

Automize provides API integration for custom databases or software platforms, process optimization to save time and increase productivity, integration solutions to ensure smooth data flow, and campaign construction for captivating marketing campaigns. 

How long will it take to work on my automation project?

When you work with Automize, we start working on your project ASAP. We can get it done quickly.  The benefit of working with Automize is that you deal directly with the person working on your project, not a sales rep like the larger agencies.

When you work with the larger automation agencies, your project can take weeks to be assigned to someone, then even longer to finish the project. Automize does not work that way – your project is our priority! We will have it done in no time!

I have problems with my current system. Can Automize fix it?

Automize has helped countless companies fix their automation that was not set up properly in the first place by their staff or other agencies.  Check out some of our case studies here.

From emails not being delivered, to leads not being routed to the sales team, we have helped these clients fix the issues and have them working in no time.

How can I contact Automize for more information or support?

You can contact Automize and schedule a free consultation here.  We will be happy to answer any additional questions or provide support.

How much does Automize charge?

Each project is different, depending on the platform, your goals, and what needs to be done. 

  • We can give you per-project pricing upfront
  • We offer retainer plans for ongoing support 
  • We offer discounted bulk hour bundles
  • And of course a flat hourly rate

There are many options, and each client can choose the plan that fits their needs.

Years in Business

Years in Business

Automations Built

Automations Built

Employee Hours Saved

Employee Hours Saved

Businesses Automized

Businesses Automized

Marketing Automation
Business Process Automation
API Integration 

It’s what we do!

Automize is a leading marketing automation specialist that strives to provide innovative solutions to businesses seeking to streamline their marketing processes.

Through our comprehensive FAQ section, we have addressed some of the most common questions and concerns that our clients may have. Our team is dedicated to empowering businesses to automate their marketing efforts, saving valuable time and resources while maximizing their reach and impact.

With our expertise and cutting-edge technology, we are confident in our ability to help businesses achieve their marketing goals and stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape.

Contact us today to learn more about how Automize can transform your marketing strategies and drive your business forward.